The Church of The Finding of The St. Cross in Újezd Svatého Kříže

The Church of The Finding of The St. Cross in Újezd Svatého Kříže

The monks who were settled in Black Hill (according to a myth) inspired a foundation of this church. They maybe were missionaries who came from east-west to expand Christianity to Slav area. When they moved to monastery in Pivon they dug foundations for a sanctuary to serve to the people of Újezd. According to the myth, an iron cross was discovered during the digging the foundations. The monks sent it to the pope and bricked in a stone cross to the tower of the church.

The church maybe already existed in 12th century; the gothic face came from the 2nd half of the 14th century. In the founder books, there is written that St. Cross was a seat of a vicar in 1350. A gothic presbytery was built up in 1630 and it has a cross vault. The gothic windows were originally colored but they were destroyed by vandals and effect from near quarry.

In 1661 there was built up a hall in front of a gothic sand-stone portal to protect this monument against unfavorable weather. The body of the church was formed after the fire in the 18th century. There was built up a tower in 1818.

A cross and a cock are on the tower of the church. It is maybe a memory of the time from 1562 to 1629 when the protestant priesthood. Next reparations were made in 1986 – 1988 and 1991 – 1995. A new bell called “John from Nepomuk” was sainted on September 17, 2001.

Date of insertion: 5. 6. 2019 18:31
Last updated on: 5. 6. 2019 18:31
Author: Správce Webu

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